App to Find the Perfect Ring Size

Finding the right ring size can be a challenging and crucial task, especially when shopping online. We often end up with rings that don't fit properly, which can be frustrating and inconvenient. However, with the Ring Sizer app, this worry has become a thing of the past. Simple and Quick Access The Ring Sizer…

Discover the Ideal App to Try New Looks

Want to try new looks before making a decision? This app was made for you. With the advancement of technology, many areas of everyday life have been transformed, and the universe of beauty has not been left behind. When it comes to hair, in particular, the decision to change your style can be challenging and fraught with...

App to simulate hair cutting and coloring

If you are thinking about changing your hair color or cut but are unsure about the decision, this app is perfect for you. When it comes to changing your look, especially when it comes to your hair, many people hesitate before taking the next step. After all, who has never wondered what they would look like with…


Você pode viajar o mundo sem sair de casa. Transforme suas selfies em muitas fotos de viagens incriveis. As viagens nos proporcionam experiências inesquecíveis e momentos preciosos. A era digital permitiu que capturássemos essas lembranças através das nossas câmeras e smartphones. Mas e se houvesse uma maneira de transformar nossas selfies em fotos de viagens  …


Cansou de fotos sem graça? Que tal utilizar a INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL para criar fotos incríveis? Nos últimos anos, a inteligência artificial tem sido uma grande força por trás de diversas inovações tecnológicas. E o mundo da fotografia não ficou de fora dessa revolução. Um exemplo notável é o aplicativo Remini, uma ferramenta poderosa que utiliza …


Corn starch is a great option for people with gluten restriction, contained in wheat flour. It is rich in vitamins A, E and B complex. The former not only supports growth but is also good for hair and skin vitality. Vitamin E is known to be a potent antioxidant. INGREDIENTS …


This workout is a great option to do at home or anywhere else, without the need for equipment. It works all the musculature of the lower limbs (legs) a lot and also requires body muscles for stabilization. IF YOU ARE BEGINNERS, you can start with a smaller range of motion, that is, movements …


This very light cake is a great option for people with celiac disease or people with gluten-restricted diets. But do you know what GLUTEN is? ​Gluten is a vegetable protein present in cereals such as wheat, rye, malt or barley, which, in contact with water, forms a kind of gel, which binds and guarantees…

HOMEMADE KATCHUP: no dyes and no preservatives

Tomato is a fruit, although it is usually used as a vegetable in salads and hot dishes. It is rich in vitamin C, A, K, potassium and lycopene, which is a potent antioxidant and still has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties and in addition to many other health benefits, being able to prevent the development of diseases such as …


This recipe is not only super easy, but also delicious. I made it together with my son, who loves to cook with me. I consider it very important to take the children into the kitchen, as it is a way of developing autonomy and good memories.


That a physical exercise routine ensures good health, improves our body as a whole, develops muscles and brings us much more quality of life, we all know. Now, just as important as training is paying attention to what we eat. Therefore, if your focus is on gaining muscle mass, one of the secrets is in calculating how many grams of protein per …


That a physical exercise routine ensures good health, improves our body as a whole, develops muscles and brings us much more quality of life, we all know. Now, just as important as training is paying attention to what we eat. Therefore, if your focus is on gaining muscle mass, one of the secrets is in calculating how many grams of protein per …


A simple recipe, with practically 2 ingredients: chocolate and vegetable milk. This combination results in a wonderful functional ganache, with an incredible texture, which can be used as a filling or topping for cakes, pies and even bonbons. Or we can do it this way, to consume pure, a kind of healthy “Danete” so that no one can fault it. 🇧🇷


The lemon pie is a dessert that brings a surprising combination of flavors, the sweet with that sour lemon is the differential. In this version, we have a gluten-free and dairy-free option and a low amount of sugar, without losing the incredible flavor. To replace wheat flour, we will use rice flour, bran …


What does tempering mean? Tempering is a technique for heating and cooling chocolate, used to make it shiny, with a good texture and easy to mold to make bonbons, Easter eggs, truffles, popsicles and others. What is chocolate tempering? During tempering, the cocoa butter in the chocolate takes on a stable crystalline form. This ensures a finish…


Quinoa is a rich source of protein and fiber. In addition, it has magnesium, B vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin E and antioxidants. This grain provides all the essential amino acids for the proper functioning of our body. In meals, it is a great alternative to rice and its preparation is …


Vegan cheese has a very similar composition to traditional cheese, but without the use of animal ingredients. There are several ready-made options on the market, as well as different preparation options. It can be made with cashew nuts, almonds, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, cassava and even seeds. For this recipe we will use almonds as a base and, to give firmness, agar-agar. 🇧🇷

GREEN SALT: my magic seasoning

Ingredients 1 bunch of parsley 1 bunch of chives 1 bunch of basil 1 onion 6 cloves of garlic 150g of salt Method of preparation Beat all the ingredients in the blender, putting the chopped onion first to make the process easier. Store in the refrigerator for up to 30 days.
